Works exploring the challenges and choices and cultural and identity shifts for first-generation citizens who have chosen to enter into mutually transforming conversation with a new, chosen culture. We are particularly interested in work by women who have immigrated to the United States from countries and cultures with marked gender inequality.
Works exploring the impact of illness on the breadth and depth of our lives - from the points of view of those experiencing illness, accompanying those who are ill, or those who treat illness.
Works exploring the frontline of pluralism - our intimate life with partners and families - and what it means to live up close, unvarnished, and inextricably personal with profound differences of temperament, ability, race, religion, and culture.
Works exploring the mystery of psychological and social resilience in the face of serious familial, social, economic, or health challenges, with a special focus on those who experience both early adversity and the beneficial impact of counteracting social forces.
One of the biggest challenges for everyone - especially around questions of ultimate concern and areas of strong conviction and faith - is to listen with open minds and hearts to the experiences of others with very different experiences and beliefs, to hold their journeys in imagination as if they could be our own. SEE: God Speaks My Language, Can You?by Heather Tosteson Epiphaniesby Kathleen Housley