THE LASTING WEIGHT OF FELONY A Wising Up Listening Project
Charles D. Brockett taught political science at Sewanee: The University of the South for over thirty years. He is the author of two well received books, Political Movements and Violence in Central America and Land, Power, and Poverty: Agrarian Transformation and Political Conflict in Central America, and many journal articles. He is a recipient of several Fulbright and National Endowment for the Humanities awards. His Ph.D. is from UNC-Chapel Hill.He is the co-editor of the Wising Up Anthologies, including Re-Creating Our Common Chord, Crossing Class, Shifting Balance Sheets: Women's Stories of Naturalized Citizenship & Cultural Attachment and Complex Allegiances: Constellations of Immigration, Citizenship & Belonging.
Heather Tosteson is the author of six books of fiction and poetry, most recently, The Philosophical Transactions of Maria van Leeuwenhoek, Antoni's Dochter. She is also the author of God Speaks My Language, Can You?,the first Universal Table/Wising Up Press Listening Project, an exploration of the spiritual journeys of over a hundred people of different faith traditions now living in the Southeast. She has worked in health communications at CDC, focusing on racism, social trust, and how belief systems develop and change. She holds an M.F.A. from UNC-Greensboro and Ph.D. from Ohio University. She is founder, along with Charles Brockett, of Universal Table/Wising Up Press and co-editor of the Wising Up Anthologies.
AD HOC ADVISORS Thomas Andris, Sarah Bartlett, Cory Beggs, B.J. Blair, Constancia E. Davis, Patrice Fulcher, Darice Good, Judy Haselhoef, Jasmin Hill, Omar Howard, Buster Johnson, Amanda S. Jordan, Robert E. Keller, Tony Kitchens, Kevin Lane, Ruth Rocker McMullin, Michelle Menifee, Eve Allen Nash, PIIC, Intisar Rashid, Ivan Rouse, A.J. Sabree, Melanie Scarbrough, Colin Slay, Travis Williams
We want to thank the following people for so generously sharing their unique wisdom with us, enriching our understanding as we proceed . . .
Gregory A. Adams, Fareed Ali, Eve Mills Allen, Deon Allen, Sarah Allred, Sharon Almon, Thomas Andris, Diana Aspinwall, Allen Ault, Angie Avery, Frank Baker, Kelly Barge, Tabatha Barker, Casey Barkley, Tamiko Barnes, Sandra Barnhill, Chris Barnett, Sarah W. Bartlett, Cory Beggs, Patricia Bennett, Charlie Bethel, Xochitl Bervera, Susan Bishop, Mark Bland, B.J. Blair, Michael Bobo, Michael Boggs, George Braucht, Felicia Brown, V. Carl Brown, Donald Bryant, Gary Burts, Daihnen Butler, Roland Carlisle, Neal Carney, Denise Carswell, Gene Carswell, Henry M. Carter, Marcus Carter, Jacqueline Casique, Tommie Cato, Citizens Academy (DJJ), Jeffrey S. Chandler, Keir Chapple, Harris Childers, Semaj Clark, Kevin Clay, Anita D. Cloud, Joe Cobb, Eric Cochling, Tommy Conley, Keisha Cook, Jesse Cooper, Eric Dylan Crider, Curtis Crocker, Faith Croskey, Crystal, Angela Daniel, Constancia E. Davis, Nier Davis, Latera M. Davis, Jason Deal, Tes Devino, Anthony Dillard, Michael Dinkins, Darrell Dixon, Marissa McCall Dodson, James E. Donald, Christine Doyle, Denis W. Dubus, Eloise Edmonds, Terry Eiland, Ramona Famble, Narva Farris, Miguel Fernandez, Kirra Fields, Ernesto Ford, Kathryn Fox, Bill Franklin, Patrice Fulcher, Linda Khadijah Gamble, Omar Gay, Sarah Geraghty, Odarie Gibbs, Katrinka Glass, Darice Good, Bill Hall, Kinnetta Hamilton, Lynn Hamilton, Michael E. Hancock, Claire Hanrahan, Liam Harbry, Thomas Hare, Lamario Harris, Rashad Hasan, Betty Hasan-Amin, Judy Haselhoef, Cassandra Henderson, Nolan Henderson, Epiffany Henry, Jasmin Hill, Dean Hix, Danny Horne, Hazel Horne, Omar Howard, Donna Hubbard, Yvonne Hudson, Bob Jackson, Robert James, Buster Johnson, ShyRonda Johnson, Timeka Johnson, Venson Jones, Amanda S. Jordan, Sheila Key, Robert E. Keller, Laila Kelly, Shawn Kinzer, Cynthia Kitchens, Tony Kitchens, Ronald E. Koon, Kevin Lane, Tim Lewis, Peggy Lieurance, Ryan Locke, Deborah Anderson Lynn, Melissa Manrow, Lisa Mantz, Kevin Mason, Arianne E. Mathe, Scott Maurer, Duane McClelland, Dubraye McDaniel, Michael McKinney, Ruth McMullin, Michelle Menifee, Lia Miller, Mark Mobley, Christopher Montgomery, Crystal Moon, Annie Moorman, Shannon Morgan, J. Tom Morgan, David Morrison, Adil Muhammad, Furquan Muhammad, Sheila Murphy, MIchael Nail, Jay Neal, Julia Neighbors, Ryan Nelson, Barbara Neville, Avery D. Niles, Cristy Norris, Paula O'Neal, Mary Margaret Oliver, Brian Owens, Michael L. Owens, Jerome Ariif Pattillo, Steven L. Perkins, Tairon Philpot, PIIC, David Pointer, Chad Purvis, Brenda Rasheed, Intisar Rashid, Raven, Brian Nathan Reed, Deanie Reid, Michael J. Rich, Elaine B. Richardson, Sheri Roberts, Shalandra Robertson, Lillian W. Robinson, Ivan Rouse, Aura Russell, Claudia Saari, A.J. Sabree, Mary Salaam, Pam Salcido, Yvonne Saunders-Brown, Melanie Scarbrough, Michael Schulte, Susan Shlair, Tim Shuler, Norman Simms, Bobby D. Simmons, Pamela Simpson, Sisters into the Light, Colin Slay, Beth Smith, Coleman Smith, Kim Smith, Renee Snead, Hoke Snelson, Charles Sperling, Stacy, Darryl Steele, Kendra Stevens, Jesse Stone, Diana Summers, Steven C. Teske, Kaleema Thomas, Curt Thompson, Thurmond Tillman, Darren Tooson, Vanessa Torrence, Erica Trotty, Nicki Vaughan, Peggy H. Walker, Paul Washington, Christ Watkins, Stacy Weaver, Irving White, Napolean Whitehead, Cynthia Williams, Travis Williams, Marilynn Winn, Aakeem Woodard . . .