Heather Tosteson
Charles D. Brockett Editors
The difficulties of living up close and personal with diversity—of
sensibility, race, culture, class, or religion—is the subject of the
stories, memoirs, and poetry in this anthology.
In these works by thirty-five contemporary writers we learn what it
means to them to absorb the implications of being of mixed race, to be
raised by a parent who suffers from being on the wrong side of history,
to carry the burden of immigrant parents' self-sacrifice.
We learn what it means to fully live out choices to marry across
religion or culture, to hear our children chatter happily in a language
we can't speak, to feel our imagination try to find its way into a
world completely alien to us, still raw with the wounds of civil war.
We learn about the tensions—and love—that develop between siblings when
one is disabled; what it means to create relationships with children
after divorce, to make a space in our own heart for the children of
step-children. We learn
how completely parenthood shifts our priorities, whether we are lesbian
parents adopting children from Guatemala, a single mother expanding her
family of two with another child from China, a lesbian mother shifting
sexual orientation to create a stable family clan, a white poet
fostering a black child from an inner-city ghetto. 268 pp.
LOOK INSIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword - Heather Tosteson Eternal Youth - Kerry Langan Thoughts After Hearing A Lecture On Translation - Debra Gingerich Age Appropriate - Teresa Tumminello Brader 'Mother Lady' - Phyllis Langton Community - Elizabeth di Grazia See Saw Family - Jess Wells
CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Kalia Abiade•Karen Aschenbrenner•Annabelle Baptista Elinor Benedict•Teresa Tumminello Brader•Yu-Han Chao Amy Dengler•Elizabeth di Grazia•Benjamin Arda Doty Catherine R. Fiorello•Debra Gingerich•John Grey•Andrei Guruianu Cheryl Hicks•Daniel M. Jaffe•Bonnie Wai-Lee Kwong•Kerry Langan Phyllis Langton•Janice Levy•Jessamyn Luong Michele Markarian•Daniel R. Martinez•Precious McKenzie Wendy Jones Nakanishi•Sheryl L. Nelms•Carl Palmer•Diane Raptosh Donna Lee Richardson•John Rybicki•Patti See•Lorena Smith Anna Steegmann•Bruce Taylor•Jess Wells•Cherise Wyneken
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